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New Boreholes For Atonie Community

Cordaid in association with Stichting Worae Care constructs new boreholes for the inhabitants of Atronie in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana.

The inhabitants of Atronie celebrate the newly constructed borehole which is going to provide them with a clean and hygenic source of drinking water in their community.

The inhabitants of Atronie community jubilate for the newly constructed borehole. Many thanks to Cordaid and all other sponsors for this porject. They showed their appreciation to cordaid and all other sponsors in dancing, singing and in writing.

Community members cheering the opening of the new borehole.

Imagine living in world where you are deprived of a basic neccessity like water, this is the pleit of the inhabitants of Atronie and its sourrounding. Before the construction of the new borehole, the only source of water for the entire community was a running water. They sometimes have to depend on rainy water for survival.

A school child fetching water to bath to school.

The source of water for the Atronie community and its sourroundings.

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